Homegroup leaders: The Fellowship Snack schedule for Sunday Mornings is now attached below. Please take a minute and review the schedule to see when your home group will be providing snacks.
The Duty of God's People
1 Peter 2:13-25
Main Point: Those who are free in Christ submit to others out of reverence for Christ
1. In what ways do you find it most challenging to submit to the authorities? How does this passage both challenge and motivate you to do so?
2. Are there ways in which you might be submitting to a higher authority when you ought not to because it involves disobeying God? Whose wisdom might you seek in how to interact with authority in this way?
3. If you never suffer as a Christian, what might that say about your Christianity?
4. How is the knowledge that suffering as a Christian is following in Jesus' footsteps both liberating and challenging?
5. How does this passage help you prefer Christ over comfort?