Core Classes is our adult education hour that is designed to help every believer in our Church to grow in their knowledge of Scripture, to develop a biblical worldview, and to be increasingly able to apply the Gospel to every area of their lives. 
We at HCC recognize that Core Classes are better suited to address certain topics than a Sunday morning service or home group. Our Sunday service centers around preaching which is a monologue intended to reach more of the heart than the mind. Similarly, our home group ministries emphasize more relational goals with some discussion around the Bible. Our Core Classes, though not neglecting the heart, aim more at loving God with our minds. And while our Core Classes will include monologue, they will also feature dialogue which is a strength of the classroom setting.
How to Have A Lasting Marriage
Jan. 5 - Feb. 2, 2025

This is not a contemporary look at marriage nor an attempt to offer tips and strategies. This class is designed to ask and answer the following questions: What does the Bible say about marriage, and how do we live as married people under the authority of God’s Word?  

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Explaining Christianity
Begins February 9, 2025

Explaining Christianity

Christianity is NOT a philosophical system like Buddhism; a code of morals like Islam; or a set of rituals as some professedly Christian churches present themselves. Christianity, as the name implies, has Jesus Christ at its core.  Therefore, any thoughtful and thorough study of Christianity must begin with the person of Jesus Christ.  In this two month series, we are going to study the basics of Christianity in an in-depth way.  This series will focus on what it means to be a Christian according to what is taught in the Bible.

Understanding The Cults
Begins February 9, 2025

Pastor Karl was a Mormon before he was a Christian.  He wants to equip you to recognize and discern cults and their false teachings.  All cults have at least four markers that identify them as outside of Christianity.  You will learn what these markers are and how the Bible clearly directs to sound doctrine and away from false teaching.  This series will not focus on information about the cults but will focus on Biblical Christianity.

Membership Matters

If the Bible is the cornerstone of our Church, then membership is the cement that holds us all together. Both Christ and Paul pointed us toward membership for our encouragement, our protection, and our instruction.  Pastor Aaron leads the classes and they are offered twice a year in Spring and Fall, Sunday mornings.

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