Home Group Questions - March 23, 2025
Reminder: Home Group Leaders meeting next Sunday, March 23 at 6 pm
Firm to the End
1 Peter 5:6-14
Main Point: Stand firm, knowing that God's power and grace will safely bring us into glory
1. How has this letter enabled you to suffer joyfully rather than seeing suffering and joy incompatible?  

2. What changes to your thinking, your speaking, and your conduct has the Spirit been prompting you to make as you have read through and meditated upon Peter's words? 

3. How does knowing that any Christian suffering is only for a "little while" help you? Read Romans 8:18, 2 Cor. 4:16-18, and Psalm 30:5. How do these passages encourage us to think about hardships and suffering? 
4. Are you guilty of not thinking about our enemy enough or thinking about him too much? How can we help each other resist the schemes of our enemy? Read Ephesians 6:10-20 for more commentary on Spiritual Warfare. 

5. What does it look like to humble ourselves under God's mighty hand when we suffer? How prone are you to try to deal with problems either by panic or self-autonomy?